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Module @crikey/stores-immer


Provide svelte compatible implementations of readable, writable, derived and get using immutible values via immer.

Strict inequality triggering semantics provide a store version of the functionality seen with <svelte:options immutable={true} /> in the svelte compiler.

Using immer, @crikey/stores-immer is able to provide copy-on-write semantics during updates.

See @crikey/stores-immer for full documentation.



Store creation functions:

Utility functions:

  • get - Retrieve the value of a store


# pnpm
$ pnpm add @crikey/stores-immer

# npm
$ npm add @crikey/stores-immer

# yarn
$ yarn add @crikey/stores-immer


Standard usage should be a drop in replacement for svelte/store. The key difference being that mutating a store value will use immer to perform copy-on-write semantics during an Writable.update | update.


const initial = [1,2,3];
const store = writable([1,2,3]);
store.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
// > [ 1, 2, 3 ]

store.update(value => {
return value;
// > [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

console.log(get(store) !== initial);
// > true



Renames and re-exports derive

Type aliases

ReadFnAsyncComplex<I, O>: (values: I, set: ComplexSet) => Unsubscriber | void

Type parameters

  • I

  • O

Type declaration

ReadFnSync<I, O>: (values: I) => O

Type parameters

  • I

  • O

Type declaration

    • (values: I): O
    • Synchronous callback for deriving a value from resolved input value


      • values: I

      Returns O

TransformedStore<O>: Writable & { derived$: Readable; smart$: Readable }

A Writable store which contains the most recent of either:

  • An input store transformed via a matching read transform
  • A value set directly via set or update

Additionally contains two other stores: {@link derived$} {@link smart$}

Type parameters

  • O

WriteFnAsync<I, O>: (values: I, set: ComplexSet) => void

Type parameters

  • I

  • O

Type declaration

    • Asynchronous callback for deriving a value from resolved input value


      Returns void

WriteFnSync<I, O>: (values: I) => O

Type parameters

  • I

  • O

Type declaration

    • (values: I): O
    • Synchronous callback for deriving a value from resolved input value


      • values: I

      Returns O

Create Store Functions

  • Create a simple store which always returns the same value upon subscription


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/constant.test.ts#8~14

        const store = constant(10);

    console.log('store value:', get(store));

    // > store value: undefined

    Type parameters

    • T


    • value: T

      the constant value of the store

    Returns Readable

  • Derives a store from one or more other stores. The store value is calculated on demand and recalculated whenever any of the store dependencies change.

    For simple usage, see the alternate signature.

    Values may be updated asynchronously:


    From ./packages/stores-strict/examples/derive.test.ts#99~127

        const store_a = writable(1);

    const auto_increment = derive(
    (a, { update }) => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(
    () => { update(value => value + a); },

    return () => {

    auto_increment.subscribe(value => console.log('store value:', value));

    await new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 3500);

    // > store value: 0
    // > store value: 1
    // > store value: 2
    // > store value: 3

    Type parameters


    • stores: S

      input stores

    • fn: DeriveFnAsyncComplex

      callback that aggregates the store values which are passed in as the first argument

    Returns Readable

  • Derives a store from one or more other stores. The store value is calculated on demand and recalculated whenever any of the store dependencies change.

    For simple usage, see the alternate signature.

    Values may be updated asynchronously:


    From ./packages/stores-strict/examples/derive.test.ts#99~127

        const store_a = writable(1);

    const auto_increment = derive(
    (a, { update }) => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(
    () => { update(value => value + a); },

    return () => {

    auto_increment.subscribe(value => console.log('store value:', value));

    await new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 3500);

    // > store value: 0
    // > store value: 1
    // > store value: 2
    // > store value: 3

    Type parameters


    • stores: S

      input stores

    • fn: DeriveFnAsyncComplex

      callback that aggregates the store values which are passed in as the first argument

    • initial_value: T

      initial value - useful when the aggregate function initialises the store asynchronously

    Returns Readable

  • Derives a store from one or more other stores. The store value is calculated on demand and recalculated whenever any of the store dependencies change.

    In the simplest version, derive takes a single store, and the callback returns a derived value:


    From ./packages/stores-strict/examples/derive.test.ts#11~25

        const store_a = writable(1);

    const doubled = derive(
    a => a * 2

    doubled.subscribe(value => console.log('store value:', value));


    // > store value: 2
    // > store value: 4

    derive may also take a tuple or array of inputs a derive a value from those:


    From ./packages/stores-strict/examples/derive.test.ts#36~51

        const store_a = writable(1);
    const store_b = writable(100);

    const summed = derive(
    [store_a, store_b],
    ([a, b]) => a + b

    summed.subscribe(value => console.log('store value:', value));


    // > store value: 101
    // > store value: 102

    Alternate signatures provide a means for deriving the value asynchronously.

    Type parameters


    • stores: S

      input stores

    • fn: DeriveFnSync

      callback that aggregates the store values

    Returns Readable

  • Creates a readable store with the value of undefined.

    This signature provides little benefit other than mirroring the signature for its counterpart, readable


    From ./packages/stores-strict/examples/readable.test.ts#8~14

        const store = readable();

    store.subscribe(value => { console.log('store value:', value) });

    // > store value: undefined

    Explicitly defining the type of store via readable<Type> will result in a store of type Readable<Type | undefined> to allow for the default value. If this is undesired, an alternate default value/type can be provided.

    Type parameters

    • T = undefined

    Returns Readable

  • Creates a readable store with an initial value of value.

    Readable stores provide no external methods for changing the store value, but their value can be changed via the implementation of start. See writable for detailed usage of the start argument.


    From ./packages/stores-strict/examples/readable.test.ts#25~50

        const time = readable<Date | null>(null, (set) => {
    set(new Date());

    const intervalId = setTimeout(() => {
    set(new Date());
    }, 1000);

    return () => {

    const unsubscribe = time.subscribe(value => { console.log('time is:', value) });

    // wait 1 second
    await new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 1000);


    // > time is: ...
    // > time is: ...

    Type parameters

    • T


    • value: T

      initial store value

    • Optional start: StartNotifier

      callback which is signaled whenever the number of subscribers changes from 0 to 1

    Returns Readable

  • Create a writable store with an initial value of undefined.

    Writable stores allow the store value to be set and updated by external code via Writable.set and Writable.update.


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/writable.test.ts#8~30

    // create a writable store
    const store = writable<number>(trigger_strict_not_equal);

    // log each store value
    store.subscribe(value => console.log(value))

    // set

    // update
    store.update(value => value === undefined ? 0 : value + 1);

    // set

    // > undefined
    // > 1
    // > 2
    // > undefined

    Updates to the store value via Writable.update have copy-on-write semantics via immer.

    From ./packages/stores-immer/examples/writable.test.ts#8~22

        const initial = [1,2,3];
    const store = writable([1,2,3]);
    store.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
    // > [ 1, 2, 3 ]

    store.update(value => {
    return value;
    // > [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

    console.log(get(store) !== initial);
    // > true

    Explicitly defining the type of store via writable<Type> will result in a store of type Writable<Type | undefined> to allow for the default value. If this is undesired, an alternate default value/type can be provided.

    Type parameters

    • T = undefined

    Returns Writable

  • Create a writable store with an initial value of value.

    Writable stores allow the store value to be set and updated by external code via Writable.set and Writable.update.


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/writable.test.ts#43~61

    // create a writable store
    const store = writable(trigger_strict_not_equal, 42);

    // log each store value
    store.subscribe(value => console.log(value))

    // set

    // update
    store.update(value => value + 1);

    // > 42
    // > 1
    // > 2

    Updates to the store value via Writable.update have copy-on-write semantics via immer.

    If start is provided, it will be called when the number of subscribers goes from zero to one (but not from one to two, etc). Thus, start is called whenever the writable store 'starts up'. start may optionally return a function which will be called when the last subscriber unsubscribes.


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/writable.test.ts#73~98

    // create a writable store
    const store = writable(trigger_strict_not_equal, 42, () => {
    console.log('got a subscriber');
    return () => console.log('no more subscribers');

    // log each store value
    const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(value => console.log(value))

    // set

    // update
    store.update(value => value + 1);


    // > got a subscriber
    // > 42
    // > 1
    // > 2
    // > no more subscribers

    start is passed 4 functions - set, update, invalidate, and validate.

    start: set

    Set the current value of the store (and thus marking the store value as valid).


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/writable.test.ts#112~139

    // create a writable store which updates asynchronously
    const store = writable(trigger_strict_not_equal, false, (set) => {
    const id = setTimeout(
    () => { set(true) },

    return () => {

    // log each store value
    const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(value => console.log('store value:', value))

    // give time for an update
    await new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 0);


    // > store value: false
    // > store value: true

    start: update

    Update the current value of the store (and thus marking the store value as valid).


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/writable.test.ts#150~177

    // create a writable store which updates asynchronously
    const store = writable(trigger_strict_not_equal, 5, ({ update }) => {
    const id = setTimeout(
    () => { update(value => value * 1000) },

    return () => {

    // log each store value
    const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(value => console.log('store value:', value))

    // give time for an update
    await new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 0);


    // > store value: 5
    // > store value: 5000

    start: invalidate

    Mark the store (and any dependencies) as dirty. Only necessary when creating advanced stores such as derive.

    start: validate

    Mark the store (and any dependencies) as valid. Only necessary when creating advanced stores such as derive.


    Usage of invalidate and validate is only necessary when creating advanced stores such as derive which are dependent on other stores but should only be recalculated once all dependent stores are in a valid state.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • Optional value: T

      initial store value

    • Optional start: StartNotifier

      callback called whenever the number of subscribers changes from 0 to 1

    Returns Writable

Other Functions

Utility Functions

  • Return the current value of the provided store.

    Works by subscribing and immediately unsubscribing from the given store. This is neither efficient nor reactive and should generally be avoided.


    From ./packages/stores-base/examples/get.test.ts#8~12

        const store = writable(trigger_strict_not_equal, 42);

    console.log(get(store)); // > 42

    Type parameters

    • T


    • store: Readable

      store to get the value from

    Returns T

    the current store value

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